Zooming In on Teacher Creativity with Jane Reynolds
Jane Reynolds, sister of author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds, chats about her work in helping teachers tap into their creativity so they can model it for their students. Her teacher education work with her brothers, Peter and Paul, is revolutionary including their soon to be Teacher Learning and Creativity Center in Dedham, MA.
The Teacher As Encourager of Logic
In this very short minisode, Melissa, with laryngitis, shares that listeners should go to the Episode 112 page on theteacheras.com to see her students' reflections about logic puzzles. The students share how the puzzles got easier with continued practice and how they created their own logic puzzles.
Powerful Poem for the Classroom: There’s a Hole in My Sidewalk
In this minisode, Melissa shares a powerful poem that she feels could be shared with students in fourth grade and up. It is about the process of changing and it's been around since the 70s.
Zooming In on Cult Education with Janja Lalich
In this episode, Melissa talks to Janja Lalich, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Sociology, who is an international authority on cults, extremism, and coercion. Janja's work is promoting a deeper, more accurate understanding of cults with the intent to avoid their manipulation, exploitation, and abuse. Janja explains why people get into cults and the importance of cult education and helping people heal after getting out.
The Teacher As Film Editor: The Bad Bits
In this Teacher As Film Editor minisode, Melissa talks about Walter Murch's term the "bad bits." Teachers are like film editors who sometimes cut out the "bad bits" of their lessons to meet the needs of their students.
Ep. 93: Zooming In on Adult Immigrant Education with Sara Lodgen
In Ep. 93, Sara Lodgen shares her work with The Welcome Project which is a nonprofit that supports adult immigrants and their families in the Somerville, MA area. It was interesting to learn about the different services/programs they provide.
Ep. 92: The Teacher As Filmmaker/Jodie Foster
It is important to be prepared and to plan in order to be flexible and creative. In her Master Class, film director, Jodie Foster, shares the importance of planning in her work and the metaphors to teaching are powerful.
Ep. 85 Zooming In on Math Teacher Moves with Jen Hawkins
Do you encourage your math students to struggle with new ideas and problem solve? Math consultant, Jen Hawkins, shares teacher moves in this episode that will foster more independent math thinkers.
Episode 29: Zooming in On News Anchor Parallels with Danielle North
Danielle North, co news anchor for WPRI in Rhode Island chats with Melissa about the parallels of being a news anchor to being a teacher.