Zooming In on Drama Education with Janea Dahl
Melissa chats with Janea Dahl, the creator of Drama Notebook, a resource for drama teachers with over 1,500 lesson plans, royalty-free scripts, and tutorial videos. Janea founded Drama Notebook to provide high-quality, flexible resources for drama teachers, who often work in isolation. The site aims to make drama accessible and affordable for educators. Janea emphasizes the importance of creativity, cooperation, and confidence-building in drama education.
Episode 46: Zooming In on Podcasting with Students-Part Two
In this second episode in the Podcasting with Students series, I share ideas for improving your students' vocal performance. I share clips from The Birch Meadow Way Podcast which my fourth grade colleagues and I started with our students this past Spring 2021. Pace, Emphasis, Diction, Tone, and Volume are discussed.