Zooming In on Drama Education with Janea Dahl
Melissa chats with Janea Dahl, the creator of Drama Notebook, a resource for drama teachers with over 1,500 lesson plans, royalty-free scripts, and tutorial videos. Janea founded Drama Notebook to provide high-quality, flexible resources for drama teachers, who often work in isolation. The site aims to make drama accessible and affordable for educators. Janea emphasizes the importance of creativity, cooperation, and confidence-building in drama education.
Ep. 87: The Teacher As Pilates Instructor with Aly Marie Moniz
In Ep. 87, the first episode of Season 5, Aly Marie Moniz shares the steps she takes in programming her pilates classes and creating the best experience for her students. Her teaching philosophy and style are inspiring.
Episode 55: An Educator Who Made An Impact: Lester Fleishman
In this special episode, Melissa pays tribute to her father, Lester Fleishman, who passed on 10/16. Two of his former students share their thoughts on how Lester Fleishman influenced them, not just in music, but in life.
Episode 9: The Teacher As Paranormal Investigator
Kristy Sumner shares about her work as a paranormal investigator and her focus on research and sharing stories.