Zooming In Episode: The Teacher As…Season Opener


(transcribed with otter.ai)

Hi, this is Melissa Milner. Welcome to The Teacher As... podcast. The goal of this weekly podcast is to help you explore your passions and learn from others in education and beyond to better your teaching. The Teacher As... podcast will highlight innovative practices and uncommon parallels in education. So, in this Zooming In episode, I'm going to explain Season Two. So, hopefully you listened to Season One. If not, go ahead and listen. There's some great interviews with educators and professionals outside of education that are very inspiring and help us to reflect on our teaching.

The way this is gonna work in the second season is there will be, once a month, an episode called The Teacher As.. blank. So, this month, it's The Teacher As Negotiator. And that is just me talking to you about a parallel that I have thought a lot about. And then the rest of the month are Zooming In episodes. So a Zooming In episode might be interviews similar to last season, a Zooming In episode might be Adventures in Co Teaching, which again was from last season with Tricia Piacentini and myself, chatting about our collaboration as co teachers. We are opening up Adventures in Co Teaching to interview other teachers who are co teaching. We're actually even opening up to collaboration more than just co teaching. And the new kind of Zooming In episode is actually very similar to a football draft. But it's an educational draft, where two educators will come on and draft their top ideas for whatever the topic may be. So that's, I think that'd be really exciting. It was my original idea for a podcast, when I just I was listening to podcasts. And I was really psyched about maybe starting my own podcast, and I had this idea of having an education draft, a draft where educators would kind of rank a top seven or a top 10. And so I'm really excited to actually make it a part of The Teacher As... so we'll see how it goes.

I hope... I would love some feedback on all of these episodes, my Teacher As... episodes, and all the Zooming In episodes. You can go to my website to give feedback, you go to Facebook, and just go to @theteacheras and leave me a comment. I really would love feedback on some of these sort of new things that I'm trying in Season Two. This month, The Teacher As... episode is going to be The Teacher As Negotiator. And there's actually going to be clips from season one. Clips that are relative to The Teacher As Negotiator subtopics that I'm going to be talking about. And that's it. So, thank you for listening and please, if you enjoy the podcast, spread the word.

If you enjoyed this episode and have not done so already, please hit the subscribe button for The Teacher As Podcast so you can get future episodes. I would love for you to leave a review and a rating as well if you have time. For my blog, transcripts of this episode, and links to any resources mentioned, visit my website at www.theteacheras.com You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram @melissabmilner. And I hope you check out The Teacher As... Facebook page for episode updates. I am sending a special thanks to Linda and Lester Fleishman, my mom and dad, for being so supportive. They are the voices you hear in the Zooming In soundbite, and my dad composed and performed the background music you are listening to right now. My intro. music was Upbeat Party by Scott Holmes. So what are you zooming in on? I would love to hear from you. My hope is that we all share what we are doing in the classroom in order to teach, remind, affirm and inspire each other. Thanks for listening. And that's a wrap

Transcribed by https://otter.ai


Episode 25: Zooming In On Punk Rock Parallels with Mike Earnshaw


Episode 24: The Teacher As Negotiator