
Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Zooming In on Math Coaching with Lana Montero

Lana Montero, a K-8 math coach with 12 years of experience, discusses her transition from the classroom to coaching, emphasizing the importance of feedback and collaboration. She emphasizes the role of coaching as a supportive, collaborative effort to help teachers improve.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Teacher As Author with Megan Daly

Melissa welcomes Megan Daly, a former fourth-grade teacher and author of the children's book "My Teacher Doesn't Like Me." Megan shares her experience with a student who felt she didn't like him, leading to the book's creation.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Zooming In on Optimized Learning with Paul Solarz

Is your classroom filled with self-driven, collaborative learners? Do you wish your students were more confident and independent? In this episode, Melissa talks again with Paul Solarz who has created am amazing book, Optimized Learning, that helps teachers reach these ideals. Have a classroom where students have purpose and a clear sense of direction.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Teacher As Facilitator: Student Voice and Choice Part 2

In this minisode season finale, Melissa continues to share one of her favorite articles about voice and choice by Alfie Kohn. Choices for Children: Why and How to Let Students Decide. In addition, she talks about a time management concept that can be applied to the classroom and she looks back at the episodes of the fifth season.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Zooming In on Narrative Nonfiction with Candace Fleming

Candace Fleming is an author of many fiction and nonfiction books for children and young adults. Among other things, Melissa and Candace talk about the research process, the power of nonfiction and how teachers can help students get more specific in their research.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Teacher As Facilitator: Student Voice and Choice Part One

In this minisode, Melissa shares from one of her favorite articles about voice and choice. Choices for Children: Why and How to Let Students Decide by Alfie Kohn lays out the rationale for voice and choice as well as what it looks like in practice. In this minisode, Melissa highlights the rationale and she will highlight what it looks like in practice in her next minisode.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Teacher As Encourager of Logic

In this very short minisode, Melissa, with laryngitis, shares that listeners should go to the Episode 112 page on theteacheras.com to see her students' reflections about logic puzzles. The students share how the puzzles got easier with continued practice and how they created their own logic puzzles.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Spring Episode Preview

In this episode, Melissa shares her amazing Spring lineup of guests. Just to list a few, math educators Jen Hawkins, Ann Elise Record, and Dr. Nicki Newton return to The Teacher As…Podcast. Also, Daphne Russell - self proclaimed educational evolutionist and chaos pilot- will discuss reading.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Many Benefits of Students Playing Chess

In this minisode, Melissa talks about the benefits of students playing chess. From spatial reasoning and critical thinking skills to patience and time management, chess is a valuable addition to your indoor recess games and/or as a math center.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Zooming In on Cult Education with Janja Lalich

In this episode, Melissa talks to Janja Lalich, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Sociology, who is an international authority on cults, extremism, and coercion. Janja's work is promoting a deeper, more accurate understanding of cults with the intent to avoid their manipulation, exploitation, and abuse. Janja explains why people get into cults and the importance of cult education and helping people heal after getting out.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

The Teacher As Film Editor: Student Accomodations

In this Teacher As Film Editor minisode, Melissa talks about Walter Murch’s philosophy that film editing is the “discovery of a path.” Melissa shares the parallels to teaching and specifically to accommodating for diverse learners.

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Ep. 88 Introduction to The Teacher As… Minisodes

This minisode explains Melissa's inspiration for sharing these short episodes that drop every other week. Melissa begins by focusing on The Teacher As Filmmaker. Each minisode is focused on a different teaching metaphor. Listen to the minisodes and get teaching inspiration from some of the most talented filmmakers in the business!

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Melissa Milner Melissa Milner

Ep. 86 Zooming In on Dynamic Read Alouds

You don't have to be a professional actor to read dynamically to your class. In the last episode of season 4, I share tips to make your read alouds more entertaining for your students. Adjusting your pace and/or volume, for example, can make your reading more captivating. Check out this episode for more detailed tips and examples.

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